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Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Observations and thoughts (Audition process) 01/03/2011

It was interesting to see different actor's strengths and weaknesses and how they differ from the cold reading to the audition readings.

Kemar encouraged me with his first robust endeavour of a characterisation when he read for Toby Maitland, unfortunately his efforts are inconsistent. Aisling is a very strong reader- alert, sharp and diligent, she could potentially play any of the male roles competently. Jack has a great ear for accents and dialects, but needs to be more gallant with his choices. Nathan and Daniel are a joy to watch due to their endearing dispositions, they are currently in their elements. Tommy has real potential, but he needs to release all his inhibitions otherwise he will always find it extremely difficult to embody any character he portrays. Dilect, Katie and Louisa all have truthful and interesting qualities, but also should be bolder; Dilect does take risks, but it is not persistent. Ibreehim has difficulties in cold readings, but when he gets up and plays with his ideas, regardless of how coherent or constructive his concepts may be, he demonstrates flair and ebullience.

Remember this is just what I think and I am just Nico, if you take offense or do not agree with any of my comments then challenge me. I am also learning!

This is the last production! Lets take ownership of the piece and become three dimensional egomaniacs


  1. Thanks for that Nico, kind words. And I love your use of language, I think I need to start carrying a Dictionary with me

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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